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Beautiful teeth
Now that Spring has arrived, it seems that many people are interested in having whiter, brighter smiles.  This seems like a good time to offer a 50% discount for anyone interested in Zoom! Teeth-Whitening between now and May 31.  Zoom! In-office whitening takes about one hour and can whiten most people’s teeth from 3 to 8 shades.

If this is something that interests you, please call Suzi (Naperville 630-357-3333) or Angie (Chesterton 219-926-5445) for more details. We will also be happy to provide gift cards if you have a friend or family member who would like to have brighter, whiter smiles.

We hope to see you soon.  In the meantime, enjoy the sunshine!!!  🙂

Dr. Jim Arnold
Northwest Indiana Invisalign, Cosmetic, Family, and Sedation Dentistry
SmilesByDrGibson & Associates
Naperville Invisalign, Cosmetic, and Family Dentistry