Category: Columns
Question: “I’m supposed to get a root canal next week. If that is supposed to take care of my toothache, why do I also need a…
Question: “I recently had a tooth removed, and my dentist says that I need to replace it. How important is this, and should I get an implant or…
Question: “I have always had to take antibiotics before my dental cleanings. I read online recently that a lot of people don’t need to do…
Question: “I have always had to take antibiotics before my dental cleanings. I read online recently that a lot of people don’t need to do…
Question: “It seems like there’s a wide range of fees associated with dental care. Why is there such a difference from one office to the…
One of the most common questions that I receive pertains to different toothbrushes and toothpaste. Everyone wants to know what products are most…
Question: “My husband grinds his teeth at night, and it drives me crazy. It is so loud that it wakes me up sometimes. Is this habit likely to…
Question: “I am interested in porcelain veneers. Will my dentist have to grind my teeth down, and will the veneers look natural?”
Question: “I changed dentists recently, and I had a great experience. The new dentist and his staff did the most thorough exam and cleaning I…
Question: “I’ve been taking a bisphosphonate drug for osteoporosis for two years. I’ve been hearing lately that this can lead to serious…