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Two girls smiling

Question: “Why do so many dentists have websites these days?”

Answer: It seems as if everyone has a website today. Many businesses use websites to sell products or provide information. Dental websites have become very common over the past five years because they can serve many purposes.

Happy Friends

I have had a website for about three years, and I can’t imagine managing my practice without it. It serves as a place where existing and prospective patients can find out more information about my team, my practice, the services that we provide, and countless other items of interest. There are even links to other dental websites that might be of interest to patients.

My practice website includes video clips from public appearances, past “ask the dentist” columns, and questionnaires for patients, as well. I feel that a website can facilitate communication with a current or future patients. Additionally, it should help educate people about their oral health and the latest advances in dentistry.

Additionally, many dental websites enable patients to download new patient forms, view photos of the office, see examples of the dentist’s work, find answers to frequently asked questions, and learn information such as office hours and location. We live in the “information age”, and a dental website gives people an extraordinary opportunity to collect a great deal of information about their current or prospective dental team.

A dental website should be an extension of the particular practice, its team, and its dentist. The goal of my website is to give people an accurate picture of what they can expect when they come in for an appointment. It is important that the website convey the appropriate information necessary for people to decide whether or not we are the right dental team for their needs.

Practice websites also allow consumers the opportunity to compare one office to another. Many people do their research on different products and services online. In fact, online research seems to increase every year, which will ultimately make dental websites even more important than they are currently.

Many dentists have particular areas of interest or niches which describe the types of services that they most enjoy providing. A website gives them an opportunity to showcase these services or provide much more information on topics of interest to the public.

Finally, a dental website is a wonderful way for existing and prospective patients to communicate with the doctor and his or her team. A patient can e-mail a question or concern to the doctor or team member at any time, without having to wait on hold or call during office hours. The doctor or team member can then promptly return the e-mail, making the entire communication efficient and complete.

Dr. Jim Arnold is a practicing dentist in Chesterton. He is also a clinical mentor with the Hornbrook Group and serves on the Advisory Board for the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics as the Fellowship Chairman. You may send questions to his office at 1830 South 11th Street, Chesterton, IN 46304, or email them to More information on this or any other dental topics can be found on your website.