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happy elder couple
Question: “My family has fallen upon hard times, and we just can’t afford to go to the dentist. I know how important it is for my kids to see a dentist, but I don’t know what to do. Are there any free clinics in Northwest Indiana for families like mine?”

Answer: Unfortunately, your situation seems to be very common. Many people have a hard time finding the money to maintain their oral health. This is of particular concern to parents who want the best for their children.

Most dental teams do quite a bit of free or discounted work in their offices every year to help those who are less fortunate. Sometimes this isn’t enough to fulfill the demand, however, due to the number of people experiencing financial difficulties, and the high cost associated with providing dental treatment.

Northwest Indiana has several clinics available to people with either no income or very low income. Some of these clinics provide free dental care, and some provide very low-cost alternatives. The Northwest Indiana Dental Society Foundation for Education is working to improve access to these dental clinics for people who really need assistance.

Beautiful girl smiling
The Northwest Indiana Dental Society can be reached at (219) 769-3504. It has a comprehensive list of phone numbers for facilities in the area that are open to the public.

The clinics in Porter County include Hilltop Health Clinic in Chesterton and North Shore Health Center in Portage. In Lake County, Gary has the Community Health Center and is home to the IU Northwest Dental Hygiene Clinic. The East Chicago Community Health Center is another option in Lake County.

The IUN Dental Hygiene Clinic only provides dental cleanings, but the other facilities all provide low to no-cost dental and medical care. The fees associated with these clinics are generally determined on a sliding scale based upon income.

Serving people who are down on their luck is a priority for dentists who donate time and money to the Northwest Indiana Dental Society Foundation. The important thing to know is that there is help available.

Dr. Jim Arnold is a practicing dentist in Chesterton. Additionally, he serves on the Advisory Board for the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics and is involved with many other local, state, national, and international dental organizations. Questions for Dr. Arnold can be emailed to or sent to 1830 South 11th St., Chesterton, IN, 46304. More information on this and a variety of other dental topics can be found on our website.