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woman holding her baby girl and smiling

Question: “I am almost sixty years old, and I am a very happy person. However, I have never been happy with my smile. Do you think that someone my age is a candidate for cosmetic dentistry?”

Answer: I feel as though any adult who is unhappy with his or her smile is a good candidate for cosmetic dentistry. I don’t think that age should be an issue. In opinion polls, the majority of Americans have stated that an attractive smile can positively influence one’s success in personal and professional relationships.

Two girls smiling

Unfortunately, these same polls reveal that only about half of Americans are actually happy with their smiles. These numbers are discouraging because first impressions are often critical in establishing relationships in our society, and one’s smile is often the first thing that we notice when we meet someone new.

For these reasons, many people want brighter, “healthier” smiles. Smile enhancement with cosmetic dentistry is a wonderful solution for many people who want to make a great first impression. Additionally, an improved smile often boosts an individual’s self-confidence very tangibly. When people like what they see in the mirror, they tend to smile more and appear to be more friendly and positive.

Some people can acquire the “smile of their dreams” with orthodontic treatment and teeth whitening or cosmetic bonding. Porcelain veneers or full-mouth rehabilitation are a solution for many people, as well. The good news is that many smiles can be improved immensely in just two or three appointments. Additionally, cosmetic dentistry should be very comfortable and predictable.

In an era where Americans value the blessing of a beautiful smile, people of all ages should be entitled to a sense of rejuvenation. Cosmetic dentistry might be exactly what you need to feel more confident and to express that confidence with an enhanced smile.

Dr. Jim Arnold is a practicing dentist in Chesterton. He is also a clinical mentor with the Hornbrook Group and serves on the Advisory Board for the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics as the Fellowship Chairman. You may send questions to his office at 1830 South 11th Street, Chesterton, IN 46304, or email them to More information on this or any other dental topics can be found on your website.