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Wow! I am beyond thrilled that I was able to run 45 minutes along the lakefront this morning with very little Achilles tendon pain. That seems like a minor miracle at this point. Yea!!!

Now, I am in Naperville for the day to get some work done, do some training with the team, and participate in an interview and photoshoot for New Beauty Magazine. We are being featured in the July edition, so we are all very excited. If you’ve never seen this magazine, check it out at Barnes and Noble, Borders, or any other major bookstore.

Later today, I have a 60 min bike ride and 60 min strength workout with my trainer. Big day! It is REALLY hard to squeeze 13 hours of training into my week. It’s hard to believe that my coach, Adam Zucco trains about 30 hours/week! I have no idea how he does it….

Have a fantastic day!!!

Jim Arnold
Northwest Indiana Cosmetic and Family Dentistry
SmilesByDrGibson & Associates
Naperville Cosmetic & Family Dentistry